
  • Nida Tariq COAVS, KEMU
  • Muhammad Shehbaz Mayo Hospital Lahore


Background: Refractive errors are considered a public health problem in many countries as well as by the WHO. This study compares refractive errors in dominant eye and non dominant eye. As dominant eye is most associated with high degree of refractive error.

Objective: This study conducted to find out degree of refractive error in dominant and type of refractive error in dominant eye. The main purpose of this study is to find out association of ocular dominance with refractive asymmetry.  

Patients and Methods: Before the start of research a pre-research planning was done. It included selection of research site, target population, sample size, study designs of survey Performa. During data collection tested visual acuity and performs subjective refraction. The study was conducted in the month of October and November 2015. It was an institutional based study, conducted on 100 patients (including patient of every age) having refractive errors. This study includes individuals with no associated ocular pathology, having mild to moderate amount of refractive error. Distance (6m) a visual acuity was measured by using Snellen visual acuity chart and subjective verification done. Dominant eye was found out by Dolman method and refractive error of dominant was noted. Results were by filling a structured Performa.

Results: After analyzing the data it is suggested that majority of patients have right eye dominancy. 56% were with right dominancy and 44% were with left dominancy. Dominant eye was with more myopic in myopic patients and less hyperopic in hyperopic patients.

Conclusion: All results concluded there is greater prevalence of right eye dominancy and dominant eye have greater degree of myopia in myopic patients and less hyperopia in dominant eye in hyperopic patients.


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