Objective: To find out the diurnal changes of amplitude of accommodation in adults.
Method: This descriptive type cross sectional study was conducted on one hundred and ten patients (110) in the eye department of Mayo hospital Lahore from November 2014 to December 2014. The patients were selected by using non-probability convenient sampling technique. Amplitude of accommodation was measured on same subjects in morning and evening by push up method.
Result: Out of 110 subjects 8.33% (9) were from 18 to 19 years. 8.33% (9) were 28 to 29 years old. 6.48% (7) were 26 to 27 years, 12.04% (13) were 24 to 25 years, 28.70% (27) were 22 to 23 years, and 36.11% (35) were 20 to 21 years old. Morning amplitude of accommodation was 6 to 7.9D in 21.30% (20) subjects, 8 to 9.9D in 37.96% (36), 10 to 11.9% (11) in 39.81% (40) and 12 to 13D in 0.93% (1) subjects. Evening amplitude of accommodation was 6 to 7D in 34.26% (33) subjects. It was 8 to 9D in 43.52% (43) and 10 to 11D in 22.22% subjects. There was significant difference between morning and evening amplitude of accommodation as p<0.005.
CONCLUSION: There was significant difference between morning and evening amplitude of accommodation. Amplitude of accommodation was decreased in the evening as compared to morning.
KEY WORDS: Diurnal changes. Amplitude of accommodation.
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