
  • Zaryab Mazhar COAVS
  • Iqra Shakeel COAVS


Purpose: To assess the prevalence of refractive error in nystagmus patients. Population based Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted.

Methodology: Thirty five patients with nystagmus were taken and refractive error was observed. In this study, refractive status of nystagmus patients is observed by doing retinoscopy, i.e. cycloplegic and non-cycloplegic retinoscopy. Cycloplegic refraction is done in 91.43% and the results were observed. The cycloplegic retinoscopy is an acceptable option for children with nystagmus, and may be more efficacious than the non-cycloplegic retinoscopy. It is found that astigmatism is more common in nystagmus patients. 100% nystagmus patients were having astigmatism. To achieve more precise results astigmatism is categorized into myopic astigmatism with the range of (-1.0DC to -3.00DC), hyperopic astigmatism with the range of (+0.75DC to +2.0DC) and mixed astigmatism with the range of (+1.00 to +3.50DC).

Results: 17.14% patients were having hyperopic astigmatism, 25.71% were having mixed astigmatism and 57.14% were having myopic astigmatism. So astigmatism is more common in nystagmus patients and myopic astigmatism is being the most common of refractive error in nystagmus patients.

Conclusion:astigmatism is more common refractive error in nystagmus patients. Myopic astigmatism is being the most common refractive error in Nystagmus patients.

Key words: nystagmus, refractive error


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