Analysis of corneal profile of young healthy Pakistani population.


  • Fatima Ansari COAVS
  • Ghazala Iqbal COAVS


BACKGROUND: This study was carried out to determine corneal parameters (central corneal thickness, endothelial cell density, corneal diameter and K-reading) of a young healthy population.

METHOD: This study was done on 320 emmetropes to determine a corneal profile of young healthy subjects, which include, CCT, endothelial cell density, K-readings of both eyes and both horizontal and vertical corneal diameter was measured. Results were obtained by asking the patient to fill a structured Performa.

RESULTS: All parameters were in normal range in 90% young population of Pakistan. Only 10% subjects showed variations in the normal range. Therefore, it is concluded that 90% subjects had normal range of parameters in the young population of Pakistan.

CONCLUSION: The data suggested that 90% young population had normal values of corneal parameters. Only 10% showed variations in results.

KEYWORDS: Central corneal thickness (CCT), Endothelial cell density (ECD), Horizontal visible diameter (HVID), vertical visible iris diameter (VVID), Keratometry






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