Association between depression score and visual acuity in low vision patients.
BACKGROUND: Low vision is a growing problem in the world. Congenital and acquired diseases play a major role in it. Age-related diseases like age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment and congenital diseases like albinism, nystagmus, and retinitis pigmentosa cause low vision. Low vision persons face difficulty in health-related and vision-related quality of life. This study aims to screen out low vision patients for depression in order to provide effective treatment considering psychological effects of low vision.
OBJECTIVE: To study the impact of low vision on health and quality of life of a patient and to assess the relationship between social support and depression among people with visual impairment.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients were selected from Low Vision Clinic of Mayo Hospital Lahore. Total 30 patients were selected in the age group 15 years to 60 years. Visual functions were assessed and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scale was used to rule out depression. BDI is a standard tool of screening for scoring depression. The higher the score the greater is depression
RESULTS: After analyzing data, it was concluded that people having defective visual functions scored high on BDI Scale. Visual acuity and depression level are highly associated with each other.
CONCLUSION: The Low Vision patients with depression have poor visual function. However, we cannot relate depression to visual function defects as it is a bidirectional process. Interventions to diagnose and treat depression should be made to improve the quality of life of low vision patients.
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