Adaptation period of different refractive prescriptions in pre-presbyopic adults.
Myopia, Hypermetropia, Astigmatism, Adaptation periodAbstract
AIM: The aim of this study was to highlight the problems encountered in the adaptability of glasses by first time user in pre-presbyopic age.
STUDY DESIGN: A Comparative cross-sectional (Analytical study) was conducted to find out the adaptation period of different refractive errors in pre-presbyopic adult new users. Data were collected using structured questionnaires with 10 questions directed to 64 first time users of spectacle, aged between 18 and 35 years
RESULTS: The study findings revealed that in Myopic patients, five problems were found statistically significant in adapting to the new prescription; problem with blurred distance vision, problem about walking or moving around, problem about objects appearing further away, complaint of a headache and problem about going upstairs or downstairs were all found statistically significant (p<0.001). In Hypermetropic patients, as only pre presbyopic adults were included in this study so the number of hypermetropic patients was only 9(14.06%) and none of the problems was found statistically significant hence, the prescription was fully adapted in hypermetropic patients during the four weeks’ period. In astigmatic patients, all ten problems were found statistically significant in adapting to the new prescription; problem with blurred distance vision was found statistically significant (p<0.002), eye strain was found statistically significant (p<0.001), problem with blurry near vision, problem about walking or moving around, problem about objects being smaller than expected, problem about objects appearing further away, complaint of headache, complaint of nausea, vertigo and anxiety, problem about going upstairs or down stairs and problem about the spectacles being too strong or powerful all were found statistically significant (p<0.001).
CONCLUSION: Pre presbyopic adults having hypermetropia fully adapt to their new spectacle during four weeks, those having myopia face some problems but those having astigmatism do not adapt well to their new glasses during the first four weeks. The problems include blurred distance vision, blurry near vision, a problem about walking or moving around, about objects appearing further away, objects being smaller than expected, about going upstairs or downstairs, about the spectacles being too strong or powerful and also have a complaint of a headache, eyestrain, and nausea occasionally.
KEYWORDS: Myopia, Hypermetropia, Astigmatism, Adaptation period.
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