Level of awareness about the ocular complications of diabetes and hypertension in patients with eye problems.
Objectives: To assess the level of awareness about the ocular complications of diabetes and hypertension in patients with ocular problems. Method: A total of 3,600 patients took part in this study. Complete ocular and medical history was taken. All the patients were requested to answer some questions regarding awareness of diabetes and hypertension and its ocular complications. Results: A total of 3,600 patients took part in this study. Age ranged from 40 to 74 years, the mean age was 48.5 years. Among the participants 47.5% [n = 1781] were males and 52.5% [n = 1819] were females. Only 36% [n = 1296] of patients were educated while majority of the participants 64% [n = 2304] were found illiterate. Diabetic patients were 28% [n = 1008], while patients with hypertension were 24% [n = 864], and patients suffering from both Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension were found 12% [n = 432]. 24% [n =864] were aware about the diabetes and hypertension and its ocular completion, they were non diabetic non hypertensive while 48% [n = 1728] were those who never performed their medical checkups before and were unaware about the ocular completions of diabetes and hypertension. Conclusion: Diabetes mellitus & hypertension are very common systemic diseases in most of the urban as well as in the rural population regardless of socio economic status. Increase in literacy level and provision of qualitative health education is needed to increase the level of awareness about all the systematic diseases especially diabetes and hypertension and its ocular complications in developing countries likePakistan.
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