Awareness of contact lens wear in the students of University of Baluchistan.
PURPOSE: To check the level of awareness in university students regarding precautionary measures in order to use contact lens (CL) to avoid complications and to formulate recommendations about safe CL use in students of Baluchistan University.
METHOD: A descriptive cross-sectional study was done among the students of University of Baluchistan. A sample of 59 students of University of Baluchistan were included in the study. Examination was done through self-made questionnaire
RESULTS: Total 59 contact lens users were involved in the study. Out of 59 contact lens users 27 (45.8%) use contact lens on daily basis, same percentage wash their hand regularly before using contact lens, 33 out of 59 (55.9%) rub or rinse their case with solution after each use, while 26/59 (44.1%) do not. 52 out of 59 (88.1%) use contact lens solution for cleaning case and contact lens. Out of 59 (88.1%) use contact lens while sleeping, eight out of 59 (13.6%) use contact lens while taking bath. Thirty two out of 59 (54.2%) use contact lens for cosmetic purposes, replace contact lens regularly with new contact lenses. Twenty two out of 59 (37.3%) knew about contact lens use from doctors, while 37/59 (62.7%) knew it from their friends and 29 out of 59 (49.2%) knew about complication of contact lens. Thirty one out of 59 (52.5%) subjects check their lens periodically for presence of scratches, 31 out of 59 (52.5%) were informed about the lifespan of their contact lens at the time of prescription. Out of 59 (5.1%) visited ophthalmologist many times after using contact lens, visited only once and 64.4% (38/59) never visited.
CONCLUSION: Almost half the students used contact lens on daily basis. A good proportion (almost half) did not wash their hand regularly before using contact lens or rub or rinse their case with solution after each use. A good majority uses contact lens solution for cleaning case and contact lens and similar proportion uses them while sleeping as well. However, very few use them while taking a bath, to avoid glasses, or visited ophthalmologist regularly after using contact lens. Almost half were informed about the lifespan of their contact lens at the time of prescription or knew about complication of contact lens.
KEYWORDS: Contact lens, Awareness
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