Ultrasonographic findings in eyes of patients with fresh ocular trauma



Purpose: To review the ultrasonographic findings of the damages caused by trauma in relation to the nature of trauma. Methods: This study has been carried out in traumatic patients with fresh trauma of eyes visiting Eye-OPD and emergency of Mayo Hospital Lahore. Contact B-scan probe of 10 MHz was used with Methylcellulose as a coupling agent and to displace the air between the probe and the skin of the lid. Results & Conclusion: 52 traumatic cases were examined during the time period of 1 month. Of all the cases examined, 84.62% were males and 15.38% were females in traumatic incidents. Injuries occurred by metals were 42.31%, by wood 34.62%, plastic 13.46%, blow out fractures 7.69% while glass injuries were 1.92%. out of 52 traumatic cases11 patients had intra-gel hemorrhage by wood.16 patients had blunt trauma (wood), 7 patients had penetrating trauma (metal), 18 patients had right eye trauma (metal)and10 patients had left eye trauma (wood).




