Clinical effectiveness of low vision devices (LVDS) among advanced glaucoma patients.


  • Nida Asghar College of opthalmology and allied vision sciences KEMU lahore
  • Ayesha Saleem
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Farwa Ashraf
  • Affrasyyab Malik


PURPOSE: To assess the clinical effectiveness of low vision devices among advanced glaucoma patients having low vision.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among people having advanced glaucoma. A total of 30 patients having advanced glaucoma presenting to Mayo Hospital Lahore were examined. Data were collected by self-designed proforma after taking consent from the patients. Visual Acuity of all glaucoma patients was assessed on the logMAR visual acuity chart at 4m. The magnifier, telescope and other low vision aids were given to the glaucoma patients.

RESULTS: The results showed that magnification of 2.8x, 3x and 4x were dispensed to subjects of visual acuity 0.6, 0.7 and 0.9 respectively. The worse the visual acuity the greater was the magnification power of low vision devices needed for visual rehabilitation. Visual acuity with low vision devices and glasses were compared. Mann-Whitney U test was applied. There was a marked improvement in visual acuity with glasses and with low vision devices (p=0.01). The mean visual acuity with glasses and low vision devices were 0.813± 0.1852 (SE: 0.0338) and 0.213±0.0860 (SE: 0.0157), respectively. Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to check the normal distribution of data. A comparison of visual acuity was done with and without spectacles and LVD's.

CONCLUSION: From the results of this study, it was concluded that worse the visual acuity, the greater magnification of low vision devices is needed for visual rehabilitation. After dispensing LVD, there was a marked improvement in the patient’s visual acuity and they became able to maintain their daily life activities.

KEYWORDS: Low vision, advanced glaucoma, low vision devices.


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