Use of readymade spectacles to meet visual needs in a low-income population.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of less expensive readymade (RM) spectacles to correct presbyopia, near and distance refractive errors.
METHOD: This was a cross-sectional study involving the use of a questionnaire to evaluate the use of readymade spectacles to meet visual needs in low-income populations. Patients were given vision contentment questionnaires before their examination and after dispensing of ready-made spectacles. A sample size of a total of 61 visually impaired patients was asked to fill the questionnaire. This study was conducted in October-December 2017.
RESULTS: Patients were asked to rate their satisfaction with their distance and near vision on a scale of 1 to 4 (1, poor; 4, excellent). After dispensing the spectacles 60.7% reported excellent and 39.3% reported a good level of satisfaction with near vision (p=0.000). 47.5% of people reported a good level while 49.2% reported an excellent level of satisfaction with distance vision (p=0.000). Self-rating of difficulty of performance of visual tasks was significantly different (p = 0.000) when comparing near tasks with presenting near correction versus with new RM spectacles. After dispensing the readymade spectacles the percentage of patients able to get N6 VA increased from 44.3% to 72.1% at near (significantly increased p= 0.000 with the RM readymade spectacles). The percentage of patients able to see 6/6 at distance was also significantly increased With the RM spectacles (p = 0.000).
CONCLUSION: Ready-made spectacles can be an appropriate and lower-priced alternative for many sufferers with presbyopia, hyperopia and mild to moderate myopia where the approach to custom made spectacles is not easy.
KEYWORDS: Visual acuity, readymade spectacles, custom made spectacles.
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