Limbal stem cell transplant vs. Intraoperative Mytomycin C in treatment of advanced primary pterygia
Purpose: To compare the efficacy of treatment in advanced primary pterygia using one of two techniques—limbal stem cell transplant versus low-dose intraoperative mitomycin C (0.2 mg/ml). Methods: This study was conducted at Bhatti International Teaching Hospital Kasur/ Central Park Medical College Lahore. Seventy consecutive patients presenting with advanced primary pterygia were enrolled from January 2010 to June 2011. Patients were divided in two groups. Group 1(n=36) received limbal stem cell transplant. Group 2 received intraoperative 0.02% Mytomycin C on bare sclera. All the patients were followed for 12 months for recurrence of pterygium and postoperative complications. Results: Recurrence occurred in 1 patient (2.78%) of Group 1 (LSCT) and 6 patients (14.7%) of Group 2 (MMC). 8 patients in Group 1 and 6 patients in group 2 complained of mild irritation postoperatively. One patient in group 1 and two patients in group 2 complained of photophobia. In group 2, six patients developed scleral thinning and five developed corneal epithelial defects whereas none of group 1 patients developed this complication. Conclusions: Pterygium excision with LSCT is a superior technique than pterygium excision with intraoperative MMC having fewer complications and comparable recurrence rate.
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