Tinted Soft Contact Lens for controlling glare in patients with albinism and its comparison with tinted glasses.
Purpose: To find out effects of tinted soft contact lens on patient’s contrast sensitivity function in the presence and absence of glare source and to explore whether tinted contact lens is a better option for controlling glare as compared to tinted glasses. Introduction: Photophobia/ glare sensitivity is the most common complaint of Albinism patients. Contrast sensitivity function test is used instead of visual acuity function test for assessment of glare sensitivity under glare source with and without tinted glasses and tinted contact lens. Methodology: Eighteen subjects between the ages of 11 and 26 years were included in the study. Subjects were assessed for visual acuity on ETDRS chart and contrast sensitivity on PELLI ROBSON chart with and without introducing glare source. Results of visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were scored by recording the total number of letters read correctly. Same procedure was repeated with dark brown tinted glasses and then with soft iris painted contact lens. Binocular scores were recorded and compared with and without tinted glare source. Results: Subjects showed better results with tinted contact lenses (p value 0.00), while visual acuity remained same. Conclusion: Use of tinted contact lenses is an important and useful aid in oculocutaneous albinism for reducing glare and improving contrast. The contact lenses also provided a natural appearance and were readily accepted by the subjects.
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