Comparison of visual outcomes in children before and after cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implant
IOL, Cataract, visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, color vision, visual field.Abstract
Objectives: To compare the visual functions (Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, color vision, visual field) in children (from 7 to 17 years old) before and after cataract surgery with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation and also to find out the particular visual function which improves the best after cataract surgery.
Method: A descriptive case series study was conducted among children (from 7 to 17 years old) having cataract to compare visual outcomes (Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, color vision, visual field). A total of 43 patients presented in the department of ophthalmology Mayo Hospital Lahore were examined before and after cataract surgery with IOL implant. Visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, color vision and visual field were examined by using Trial frame, Occluder, Ophthalmoscope, Distance VA charts e.g. Lea symbols and Log MAR chart, Farnsworth’s Dichotomous D-15 test, Pelli-Robson chart and Torchlight/ any toy.
Results: Visual acuity was graded as poor (CF+ to 6/36), fair (6/24 to 6/12) and good (6/9 to 6/5). After surgery maximum patients 29(67.4%) out of 43 (n=43) had improved visual acuity. Contrast sensitivity was graded as poor, average and good. After surgery thirty 30(69.8%) patients out of 43(n=43) had improved contrast sensitivity. Paired sample correlations test showed statistically significant improvement in visual acuity and contrast sensitivity (p≤0.005). Color vision and visual field showed no significant improvement.
Conclusion: Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were significantly improved after surgery with IOL implantation. Importantly visual acuity was the most effective visual function which was improved after cataract surgery. Color vision and visual field showed no significant improvement.
Keywords: IOL, Cataract, visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, color vision, visual field.
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