Comparative Evaluation of Knowledge of Primary Eye Care in Trained vs. Untrained Teachers


  • Javaria Asif Bajwa
  • Imran Ahmad


Objective: To determine whether primary eye care training of teachers plays a role in knowledge improvement of teachers about primary eye care or not. Material and Methods: A total number of 300 teachers (150 trained and 150 teachers without any formal training in primary eye care) were assessed in this comparative cross sectional study. All 300 teachers were from Government. Data were collected by Performa designed for this purpose which includes different variables like teacher’s levels of education and experience etc. Each teacher was asked a few questions about primary eye care. Results: Most of the trained and untrained teachers were highly experienced. Many of the untrained teachers had serious misconceptions about primary eyecare. Trained teachers showed better knowledge in most areas of primary eye. There was less difference in knowledge of trained and untrained teachers about nutrition for eye care, referring the child with eye disease or refractive error, red eye infection and deviated eyes. There was, however, a lack of knowledge even in trained teachers about giving first aid in chemical burns of the eyes and to make immediate referral for foreign body patient etc. Conclusion: Teachers’ training is an effective primary eye care service to early identify some diseases and refractive errors in developing countries with lack of general eye care facilities and eye care professionals. But there are some weak areas where teachers’ training can be improved with proper supervision. Key Words: Primary eye care, trained vs. untrained teachers, childhood blindness.






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