Effect of cyclopentolate on corneal curvature in different refractive states


  • Aqsa Mustafa
  • Saman Ali
  • Hameeda Haider


Emmetropes Hyperopes, Myopes, Cornea Curvature, Cyclopentolate hydrochloride


OBJECTIVES: To find the effect of cyclopentolate on corneal curvature of different refractive status

METHOD: This prospective clinical study included 62 subjects.This study was carried out at Mayo Hospital, Lahore. Subjects were divided into three groups, emmetropes, myopes and hyperopes. The data was collected through, non-random convenient sampling technique, self-made questionnaire after taking patients’ consent. K-reading was measured before and after 45 minutes of instilling cyclopentolate eye drops. Data was entered and analysed by SPSS-21 software. Shapiro-Wilk test was applied for normality. Data was not normally distributed in any group. Wilcoxon signed rank test was applied for comparing pre- and post-cyclopentolate average K-reading. P value less than 0.05 considered as significant.

RESULTS:A total of 62 subjects were used for this study(male: 30; females: 32) of mean age 7.87±2.45 years of males and 7.28±2.68 years of females.The mean difference of average K-reading of emmetropes subjects before and after cyclopentolate were 0.02±0.08 mm (p=0.82). In myopes, there was difference of 0.01±0.14 mm (p=0.80) Table2 and in hyperopes, the difference was of 0.03±0.2mm (p=0.56).

CONCLUSION:In emmetropes, myopes and hyperopes there is no significant difference in corneal curvature before and after.

KEY WORDS: Emmetropes Hyperopes, Myopes, Cornea Curvature, Cyclopentolate hydrochloride.



How to Cite

Aqsa Mustafa, Saman Ali, & Hameeda Haider. (2023). Effect of cyclopentolate on corneal curvature in different refractive states. Ophthalmology Pakistan, 12(2), 12–16. Retrieved from https://ophthalmologypakistan.com/op/ojs3.3/index.php/ophth_pakistan_journal/article/view/29



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