Evaluation of symptoms in post-menopausal women with dry eye syndrome


  • Maham Waqar
  • Saman Ali
  • Kashaf Nasir


Dry Eye disease, postmenopausal women


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the symptoms of dry eye disease among postmenopausal women.

METHOD: A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 76 postmenopausal women. A questionnaire was made in order to gather information about their ocular discomforts due to dry eye. We also gathered information about their postmenopausal symptoms.

RESULTS: Watering, redness, irritation in eyes, blurred vision and burning sensation in eyes are most common symptoms of dry eye that occur from sometimes to very often among postmenopausal women (78.1%, 72%, 64.9%, 46.6% and 72% respectively).Some dry eye symptoms showed moderate and weak positive correlation with menopause symptoms. Photophobia showed moderate positive correlation with anxiety and hot flushes (r=0.587 and 0.535 respectively). Irritation in eyes showed moderate positive correlation with weight gain and hot flushes (r=0.527 and 0.544 respectively). Blurring in eyes showed weak positive correlation with weight gain, anxiety, hot flushes, night sweats, loss of breast fullness, mood changes (r=0.371, 0.393, 0.438, 0.337,0.325, 0.362 respectively) and did not correlate moderately or strongly with any of the symptoms of menopause. Mucus in eyes showed moderate positive correlation with loss of breast fullness (r=0.508). Watering showed moderate positive correlation with vaginal dryness (r=0.550). Irritation in eyes in the morning showed moderate positive correlation with weight gain and night sweats (r=0.511 and 0.510 respectively). Some symptoms of dry eye such as opened eye sleep, eye fatigue and redness in eyes did not show any correlation with symptoms of menopause. Some correlations are also observed among the symptoms of dry eye disease. Burning sensation showed positively weak correlation with irritation in eyes and eye fatigue (r=0.342 and 0.365 respectively). Mucus in eyes showed weak positive correlation with photophobia, blurring and eye fatigue (r=0.366, 0.361 and 0.385 respectively). Photophobia showed weak positive correlation with blurring and irritation in eyes (r=0.403 and 0.389 respectively). Irritation in eyes showed weak positive correlation with blurring in eyes (r=0.412) and weak negative correlation with opened eye sleep (r= -0.322). blurring in eyes showed weak positive correlation with irritation in the morning (r=0.318) and moderate positive correlation with eye fatigue (r=0.572). Eye fatigue and irritation in the morning showed weak positive correlation between them (r=0.321). Watering from eyes did not show any significant correlation with any other symptom of the dry eye

CONCLUSION: Dry eye is one of the common diseases among postmenopausal women. A significant ratio of postmenopausal women aresuffering from the symptoms of dry eye disease. There is no strong correlation between symptoms of dry eye and symptoms of menopause and there is no strong correlation between the symptoms of dry eye as well.

Key words : Dry Eye disease , postmenopausal women



How to Cite

Maham Waqar, Saman Ali, & Kashaf Nasir. (2023). Evaluation of symptoms in post-menopausal women with dry eye syndrome. Ophthalmology Pakistan, 12(2), 17–20. Retrieved from https://ophthalmologypakistan.com/op/ojs3.3/index.php/ophth_pakistan_journal/article/view/30



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