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Evaluation and management of nystagmus | Dreshak | Ophthalmology Pakistan

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Evaluation and management of nystagmus

Wajid Mehmood Dreshak, Ayesha Saleem


Purpose: To evaluate clinical features of nystagmus in detail and find out the best management with different options.

Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among people having nystagmus. A total of 70 patients presented to orthoptic clinic were examined. Visual acuity, Refraction, Fundoscopy, Binocular single vision, stereopsis, ocular motility and nystagmus evaluation were done by using ETDRS, Retinoscope, Ophthalmoscope, W4 dot, and Lang 2 pencil respectively.

Results: The most common type of nystagmus was congenital idiopathic motor nystagmus (95.71%) and 4.29% were having sensory defect nystagmus. Concerning refractive error, 42.9% were hypermetrropes, 34.3% were myopes, 12.9% had compound refractive error and 10% were emmetropes. 90% of the patients had fundus within normal limit, 1.4% had age related macular degeneration and 8.6% had ocular albinism. Many patients had associated strabismus comprising 35.71% with esodeviation, 30% with exodeviation, 5.71% had hyperdeviation and 28.57% were orthophoric. 62.29% were managed by giving spectacle correction, 5.71% with contact lenses, 5.71% with low vision aids and prisms correction and 14.29% were further referred for surgical management.

Conclusion: Detailed examination of nystagmus including visual acuity, Refractive error, Binocular single vision, and strabismus helped in accurate diagnosis of nystagmus and these patients were benefited by different management options including spectacles, contact lenses, low vision aids, prisms and surgery.

Keywords: Nystagmus, Management

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