Improvement in sensory and motor aspect of intermittent exotropia by building up fusional reserves

Mr Adeel, Ayesha Sarfraz


OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to determine the improvement in sensory and motor aspects of intermittent exotropia by building fusional reserves with the help of prism, minus lens therapy and stereograms techniques. Method: Descriptive study including 50 patients with intermittent exotropia between the age of 15 to 30 years previously not treated was carried out. Orthoptic assessment was done on these patients and exercises were given. Improvement in sensory and motor aspect was observed and recorded after the exercises. Results: Out of 50 patients, 61% were male and 39% were female. After treatment with stereograms, minus lens therapy and exercises on Synoptophore, base out fusional reserves at distance were improved in 63% patients. Base out fusional reserves at near were improved in 64% patients. Improvement in Stereopsis was observed in 66% patient. Angle of deviation both at near and distance was reduced in 56% patient. Improvement of near point of convergence was also observed in 74% patients. CONCLUSION: Significant no.of patients with intermittent exotropia had shown improvement in sensory and motor aspect after orthoptic management. KEY WORDS: intermittent exotropia, fusional reserves, stereograms, minus lens therapy

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