Zaina Bibi, Imran Ahmed


Purpose of study: To compare distance and near visual acuities monocularly in the amblyopic eyes and also to note which type of refractive error is most commonly associated with amblyopia. Materials and methods: The study involved comparison of distance and near visual acuities in 70 persons aged between 7 years and 40 years, of both genders, with amblyopic eyes, by using structured proforma. Distance and near visual acuities of the patients were assessed. Snellen visual acuity chart for distance acuity measurement and N notation chart for measurement of near visual acuity. Results: The mean visual acuity of amblyopic eye at distance and near was similar. Out of 42 patients 31 (44.29%) had good visual acuities both at distance and near ranging from 6/6-6/18 at distance and N.5-N.8 at near in their right eyes. In left eyes out of 46 patients 25 (35.71%) it shows good visual acuity both at distance and near ranging from N.5-N.8 at near and 6/6-6/18 at distance. The refractive error which was more associated with amblyopia is hypermetropia. P value for all study was less than 0.05. Conclusion: The study has concluded that most of the amblyopic patients are associated with hypermetropia. There was no statistically significant difference between near and distances visual acuities in amblyopes. So it was concluded that amblyopia does not affect one type of vision (distance or near) only but both of them. Key words: Amblyopia, visual acuity, association of refractive errors with amblyopia

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