Ophthalmology Pakistan. A double blind peer reviewed journal. ISO Abbreviation = Ophthalmol. Pak.


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Author Guidelines


The article should be written under the following headlines:

      Title page
      Abstract: Maximum of 360 words
      Figure legends, tables and figures, if not embedded in the text (Pages should be numbered).

Title page
The title page, which must be part of the main file, should include the title (running title), authors’ names and institutional affiliation. The title must be less than 150 characters, including punctuation marks and spaces. There should be no abbreviation, trade names or chemical formulae.

The structured abstract of fewer than 300 words should be arranged under the following headings: Purpose, Material & Methods, Results, and Conclusions. Define abbreviations at the first mention and do not include references.

The main text should consist of 4000 or fewer words, excluding title page, legends, and references. The text size should be 12 points, Arial font typed at double line space.

In a brief introduction provide the research background, rationale, and objectives without extensively reviewing the literature.
In the Methods section, describe the study design, subjects used, sampling strategy and procedures followed. Previously published or standard procedures may be identified by reference only. Use standard chemical or non-proprietary pharmaceutical nomenclature. Brand name, company, city, and state or country could follow within brackets.
If human subjects were involved in the investigations, the Methods section must confirm that: (1) the research was conducted under the guidelines provided by Declaration of Helsinki (1964 and its further amendments); (2) informed consent was obtained from the subjects after explanation of the nature and possible applicable, the research was approved by the institutional research/ ethical committee or institutional review board (IRB).
If experimental animals were used in the investigation, the Methods section must confirm adherence to the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (NRC 1996) and, where applicable, approved by the appropriate institutional review board (IRB).
Present the Results along with the Discussion or separately. Cite all tables and figures in numerical order. Do not repeat the data provided in figures or graphs in results. Limit the discussion to statistically significant and relevant data.
Please proof-read your article for language. Grammatical and spelling errors carefully prior to submission.

Acknowledgments should be written in the third person and be limited to colleagues and research assistants. COAVS journal policy does not allow dedications or acknowledgments to individuals or groups supporting the research financially or materially.

List references numerically by order of citation in the text, according to the Vancouver style of referencing. All references must be cited in the text or tables, shown as superscript numbers. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of references.
Unpublished data (including material in preparation or submitted) or personal communications should be listed parenthetically in the text only with year received only with year received or recorded.
References to books should include (1) author(s), (2) chapter title (if any), (3) editors (if any), (4) Title of book with edition number if other than the first edition, (5) city of publication, (6) publisher, (7) year, and (8) inclusive page numbers.
For further assistance see the official website of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors for the document “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals or follow the links:

Tables, legends, figures.

  1. Tables must be included in the main manuscript file each table should have a brief, self-contained title, understandable without reference to the text column. Footnotes in the table should use symbols in the following sequence: *,†, ‡, §, ||, and #. A date that can be given in the text in two or three sentences should not be presented in table format.
  2. Legends should describe the content of data contained in the figure.
  3. Figures should be cited in the text, in numerical order using Arabic numerals. Figures may be placed within the main manuscript file or uploaded separately with one figure on a separate page along with its label. If a figure contains multiple parts, it should be assembled on one page; Figures 1A and 1B should not appear on separate pages.
  4. Please Label each figure appropriately just beneath the inserted image. For example, labels should read “Fig. 1” or “Figure 1.”  


The main manuscript document must be submitted in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) format; Mac users should manually type in the .doc extension at the end of the file name when they save their document.

Use initial caps and a descriptive clause for titles and subheadings, avoiding complete sentences or questions. Keep abbreviations and acronyms to a minimum and define them at first mention.
Use System International (SI) measurements throughout the paper. http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/units/units



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